Saturday, 2 May 2015


 When I was a kid ,like every kid I used to wonder seeing the beauty of full moon. Then my mother was reminding me about the scars on the moon. In those days I used to wish that moon had no scars. Later on, I had learnt that moon is only an astronomical object and it is not even self illuminating but reflecting the sun's rays. But even today I enjoy the beauty of the moon and wish it had no scars.

          Similarly there are some great people who enjoyed or are still enjoying the iconic status in their respective fields during late 20th century and early 21st century, in our times have some scars. Even their great reputations could not erase their misdeeds . Because of them even though they achieved many laurels in their good times, they were not role models in a strict sense. As an ardent admirer of them for their achievements I wish they had no scars. I am sure there are many people  who feel the same.

          Sometime back,I read a news item in the paper. During the trail of insider trading case of Mr Rajat Gupta, an alumni of IIT and Harvard business school with a successful career at McKinsey and Goldman Sachs, highly admired in business circle world wide, co-founder of Indian school of business Hyderabad, when counsel pointed out the philanthropic activities of Mr Gupta , judge commented that “ I am also an admirer of Mr Gupta for his philanthropy. But that cannot be an excuse for not proceeding against him in the present case”. Eventually he was convicted and he is serving a jail term. Being an admirer of a self made man like Rajat Gupta , I still wonder what made him to commit an act like that. But I sincerely wish that persons like him ought not have committed these ignominious acts.

          While I was studying engineering at Kakinada (small town) I was thrilled the moment I heard on radio that Mohd Azharuddin is the first person to score  three centuries in the first three cricket test matches he played. My happiness increased manifold because he is a Hyderabadi and belongs to my own state. He was brought up in a simple middle class family. His wristy play was prised by many great cricketers and commentators and he is one of the most successful captain of Indian cricket. All these accomplishments crumbled in one day when it became known that h was involved in the match fixing scandal and was banned for life. It is just mother example of persons with great caliber who sometimes compromised in their behavior and betrayed their own profession.

          In 2009, on Jan 7th, while we were celebrating my wife's birthday I was shocked to hear on CNBC the confession of Satyam(truth) Ramalingaraju. He confessed that over the years the company is declaring inflated profits, excess income and even paying the taxes more than required and fooled the investors. Indian stock exchange was already closed for that day but stock tumbled to all time low on NASDAQ. Investors all over the world lost billions. Many Satyam employees lost their jobs. But for the efficient manner the crisis was managed by the government confidence in Indian business would have lost forever. One of the persons effected was my brother in law who lost his job. I am disappointed more because I was proud that Ramalinga Raju belongs to our neigbourinig district and a person from a small town of a farming family climbed to the pinnacle of a mountain only to fall down to the depths of the ocean of shame. Children of next generation may not believe that this is the same person along with Narayana Murty of Infosys, Azim Premzi of Wipro and Ratan Tata’s TCS not only changed the Indian software but also changed the image of India as a nation of seeking aid into a country to be liked or hated but can not be ignored. He Is also the architect of many philontropic acts including 108 ambulance service that saved many lives and the scheme was adopted by Government of India for the entire nation demonstrates his visionary qualities. But Satyam Ramalingaraju’s life is a perfect example of the famous saying “One can fool  some people all the time, All the people for some time but not all the people all the time “. Bubble will burst one day with terrible consequences. It also shows that means are more important than ends and character is more important than name and fame. While I was writing this Ramalingaraju was convicted by a special court and sentenced for seven years rigorous imprisonment.

          Tarun Tejpal became a national hero in 2001 when Tehelka.Com an online paper run by him, carried a sting operation exposing murky defense deals in India. It ultimately led to the conviction of a President of a national party and resignations of some central ministers. The media praised his exemplary courage and people of the nation felt that more number of such people are needed to change the image of the country. Many people tried to coerce him but he withstood all pressure. It is his publishing company that published Arundhati Roy's Booker prize winning novel God of Small Things. In 2013 it took some time for the nation to digest the news of an e mail sent by him to one of his female colleagues regarding the gross misjudgment for his behavior with his female employee in the lift in Goa. After regretting for his behavior he stepped down from the post of chairman of Tehelka as a punishment. The facts of the case will be known only after thorough investigation and trial. But even the revelations of the e mail are sufficient to tarnish the image.  Not only his behavior with the colleague of his daughter’s age but also the way he treated the complaint are in line with the principles his paper tried to protect. By investigating his own case and deciding his own punishment he crossed all the democratic norms for which he had fought for till that time as a journalist.

          Bill Clinton’s statement on Monica Lewinsky affair did not come a day too soon. It is the culmination of lot of Senate committee hearings,investigation,link with earlier alleged affair with Miss.Paula Johnson case when he was Arkansas governor. Even there were rumors of impeachment. The case created as much sensation as water gate scandal which led to resignation of President Nixon. The difference being by Clinton’s time Television penetrated into more homes across the world  and the affair is known to all people across the globe. Real facts of the case are known to only few people. But from whatever known also the behavior is unbecoming of a leader. Fortunately, the affair did not tarnish the image of president Clinton, probably because the moral values of the world changed over the years or it is considered as only a small mistake by the president of the most powerful nation of a unipolar world. Yet it is a definitely a blot on the character of the most popular president belonging to democratic party after John F Kennedy.

          I am not so sure that Jeffrey Archer exactly fits into this. But his talent as a writer and rise to the level of the deputy chairman of    Conservative party from a low of filing insolvency petition makes him as popular as any character of his popular novels. His alleged notorious acts range from financial irregularities, paid sex,lying and perverting the course of justice. He started his life as a bright student of English literature, became a member of parliament, alleged fraudulent investment to bankruptcy, popular writer, rising again to deputy chairman of conservative party, allegation of paid sex, conviction for perjury and perverting the course of justice. But he is always a popular author of many novels mainly advocating optimism. It can be said that  if he writes his own story, it will be definitely a block buster. But it does not teach anything for future generations to follow.

             Mrs Winnie Mandela's story is pathetic among all others. She is the symbol of courage of the modern world. Living outside alone in an apartheid regime when her illustrious husband Nelson Mandela was in jail for 25 years. The life of Mandelas is a new age real epic . Yet after the release of Mandela, South Africa had been freed from apartheid and Mandela became the president he divorced  Winnie Mandela for her suspicious behavior. Allegations against her include abetting self immolations as a form of protest and involvement in the death of a rugby coach etc. Fortunately still she is very popular though with dented image. I sincerely feel that she would have been the ideal woman of modern world without them.

          All the above examples show that reaching the pinnacle of a mountain is easier compared to staying there. Second part is much more difficult because first part can be achieved by sheer talent or circumstances but second needs character and consistently controlled behavior for the remaining period of life. It is especially difficult because celebrity status is associated with lot of privileges, attractions, temptations and power. Lot of control and self-discipline is required to remain detached.